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Re: TD Brakes

To: <>, "streepey" <>
Subject: Re: TD Brakes
From: "Ray McCrary" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 18:26:28 -0600
I know that this may have some of you scratching your head......but an easy
way to free off a stuck brake drum is to simply take a large pot of VERY hot
water, and slosh it over the drum once the wheel is removed and the adjuster
The drum expands, and with a lever the drum can be rotated.....

Of course, this doesn't require a lot of expensive equipment or lots of
work, so it may not be the way for everyone.

But it works!!

Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "streepey" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 3:12 PM
Subject: TD Brakes

> I am sending this query for a friend.
> A friend of his died recently, and when he tried to move the deceased's TD
> the right rear wheel is locked up tight - can't move it at all.  The
> emergency brake is off and the car ran fine just two weeks ago.
> My friend thinks that the deceased owner may have changed the rear end
> recently, but the car had been driven since any work was done.
> Any ideas??  What would you guy's suggest to free up the wheel ?.  Doubt a
> good brake drum puller is available, and the car lives in the boonies of
> No. CA where it is doubtful any garage or rental source might have one.
> Thanks for any help.
> Lee
> '53 TD "The Pumpkin"

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