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Changing the system ?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Changing the system ?
From: "Gerhard Maier" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 19:49:01 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: "Gerhard Maier" <>
In my opinion it's better to go on 
for the moment with the mmm-autox-system, as it is.

Even when you can decide, if you download the files or not,
I wonder who is not curious enough to withstand !
And when the MB's don't come in with a high-speed connection,
it needs patience,
and to select what you are interested in or not, just takes a lot of time.

I understand that the Yahoo-system is a bit more awkward to enter,
and with our autox-system now, we have no advertising at all !

If I want to show a drawing or photo, I see no disadvantage to
mail it direct to a address or even to a group of addresses.

Also don't forget the reason why the autox-system does not want files,
it's the risk to get a virus, and isn't it enough, that we all already have
- - - the mmm-virus - - - !!!!

Gerhard Maier

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