I have been thinking of how to increase the number of courses at Bonneville
with the available space problems we have. The plan I have only uses 2, 100'
wide strips of "existing, groomed but unused salt".
What if we place a short course right next to the existing long course. It
would be on the pit side of the long course. Three black stripes with the
center strip shared by both courses. Both tracks would use the existing return
road to the left and both would turn right in an emergency.
Start out the long course car first. When it clears it's 3 mile trap, send
off the short course car. By the time the short course car clears it's 1 mile
trap, the long course car should be past their 5 with chutes out. When both
vehicles clear the course, send off the long course car again and so on.
Set up another long course between the existing short course and the center
area. They would share the existing return road to the right and use left for
The center of the track with the timing tower and emergency vehicles would
remain the same. The return roads would remain the same. The complete layout
from the pits would be return road, short course, long course, existing center
area, long course, short course and return road.
We'll clone Glen and have one control the long and short course to the left
of center and the other one would control the right set of tracks.
The staging lanes would be 2 short, 4 long, 2 short, 2 medium ( kidding
about the medium. )
What do you think? Brilliant huh?