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Re: Off topic quitting smoking, what I have learned so far...

Subject: Re: Off topic quitting smoking, what I have learned so far...
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 02:21:16 EDT
In a message dated 6/19/2006 10:09:12 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

The  first 3 or 4 days suck, and everybody that I came across that knows  me
thought there was something particularly wrong with me (there was,  albiet
just my body adapting) as I'm not normally a mean guy, and I was an  asshole
for at least the first 4 days, possibly for as much as a week.  Also, you'll
want to increase whatever excercise you might be doing, it'll  help with
keeping busy, and help to keep off the weight you will otherwise  gain.


OH NO, do you mean DD will get even more cranky in the next week!!! Run for  
your lives, save yourself!!! LOL Kidding Dave!
What helped me was every time a got the "urge", I'd close my eyes and  
envision myself on my death bed from lung cancer, weezing and coughing, hooked  
to all kinds of tubes and electrodes with all my beloved family around  me.
They were all encouraging me to give it up because I've been such a  
miserable ass*%#* all my life. They were chanting, "die you miserable bast$#@,  
Well, I couldn't let them have their way so it gave me the incentive to  quit 
and outlive them!!! Boy, did I fool them!
Works great but I'd caution you if you are buzzing down the freeway, don't  
close your eyes for more than 30 seconds or so.

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