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To: "Sparky" <>
Subject: Re: NON LSR
From: "Thomas E. Bryant" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 07:42:43 -0800 (PST)
> Today I start my 24th year with Linda--my Child Bride..we got married at
> 5:30 am during the Lunar eclipse of a Blue Moon---

Sparky & Linda,

Congratulations on your dedication & tenacity. I am sure there have been
times, in your marriage (as in all marriages), when things were not going
smooth, but you overcame the obstactles.  A rare trait in today's
society...the norm is when the original spark is gone, split! Margaret and
I started our journey together on May 27, 1951. We were just too stubborn
to give up. Its been a good life and just keeps getting better.

Again, my hat is off to you both!

Tom, Redding CA - #216b D/FCC

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