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Re: 2005 Rule Changes

To: dan warner <>
Subject: Re: 2005 Rule Changes
From: "Jon E. Wennerberg" <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 11:24:51 -0500
On Saturday, January 8, 2005, at 11:10 AM, dan warner wrote:

> Later today highlights of the 2005 rule changes for both cars and 
> motorcycles will be posted at:
> I recieved permission to put these changes on the web last night.
> Dan

Cool-o-matic, Dan.  Thanks (in advance) for getting this information 
out to us.

In today's mail was my membership package (SCTA Assoc. member), and, as 
i shook the box, I was pleased to hear was sounded like it might be a 
rulebook inside!  Wow -- wouldn't that be fun, to tell everyone I 
already got my 2005 book?

Ooops, it was a 2004 book.  Ah, well, I can see the new stuff late on 
today anyway.  I sure look forward to that.

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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