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Crunch for Speedweek

To: "LSR List" <>
Subject: Crunch for Speedweek
From: "Jonathan Amo" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 23:13:39 -0600

as many of you are doing like me, I am running around like crazy to get
everything done, staying up late at nights now, you know 2 am, 3am, 4am etc

Just wanting to give words of advise, be carefull and dont do careless stuff.
Time is tight but being careless in the shop wont help matters, lets give a
couple of examples,

1. Up late, you know, Starbucks closed, working on the bike setting up new
fire system, that I got a few days earlier, installing the air actuated
plunger for fire bottle, well the machined parts didnt fit very well, and when
I screwed the top hat on the the bottle I set the fire system off. I got
drenched with foam agent, but the bad part was when I jumped back I hit my
head on table. that hurt, careless on assembly, trying to hurry the job.
2. Testing fuel system, up late, Starbucks closed, I was setting my static
fuel pressure on fuel system, with a fresh tank of ERC 110, anticipating
engine startup soon. I set the fuel pressure and called it the night went to
bed. Well my wife and I both woke up with headaches and a horrible fuel smell
in house. (bedroom above the garage). Went into garage and I had a fuel line
leaking and it dripped out most of the 110 in the tank. Made whole house smell
like good race gas. Clamped the lines and hurried off to work. When I got to
work, I was tired and still have a headache I pulled a bottle off the shelf of
advil, and next to it was another bottle that said 800mg, yeah ill take two of
those. End of day still had headache and went back to the pill bottle cause I
wasnt ever going to take those again and I wanted the name of it, Ill be damed
if it wasnt a joint vitamin or something like that. Well came home and some of
the smell of fuel still lingering, the Dog pucked in living room all over the
place, beleiving it was because of fuel smell. No harm we are getting new
carpet installed this Friday in that room anyway, so you know threw a couple
newspapers on the floor and called it good.

Lesson, just be carefull and aware of what you are doing, (or taking for that
matter) during this crunch time before bonneville. Just a note that might make
you think twice in the shop.

Going to bed early tonight, with windows open.


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