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RE: The future of LSR

To: <>
Subject: RE: The future of LSR
From: "LandSpeed Louise" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 19:24:29 -0800
On it. . .

When Sojourner set down on Mars and ran around the rocks, I paid a visit to
JPL and got the skinny on the MPH for the little beggar (about .3 MPH). Then
called my astronaut pal and got the low down on what he and Lovell did with
the lunar rover (about 22MPH) and wrote an article about land speed records
on three planets with Andy's 763MPH. The story appeared in the London Daily
Telegraph and the Chicago Tribune in November 1997

Earth rules because gravity sucks and atmosphere is the nitro of speed.

Speedy Regards,

"LandSpeed" Louise Ann Noeth
LandSpeed Productions
"Telling stories with words and pictures"

Do records set here on earth hold for the moon or Mars? If not, one
little NASA buggy has the Martian record and the second little buggy is
about to challange it Do we have a class designation for them? We need
to send a good timer up there. Glenn???

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