see, behold the power of amo special anti-galling compound
now to get back to work on the amo special "water"
injection to use with the turbo, should surpress detonation,no
methanol, maybe an ethanol mix, more particulates the better
Ed Van Scoy wrote:
>Ya just got ta rub everything in don't ya ;-) At least it
>wasn't due to Amo Oil Additive.
>---- Original message ----
>>Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2003 10:18:15 -0600
>>From: Joe Amo <>
>>Subject: Re: Rubber Chickens....the rest of the story
>>To: Ed Van Scoy <>
>>Cc: DrMayf <>, W S Potter
>> cool, waiting to hear what you find
>> no nitrous, no blower, no............
>> Joe :)
>> Ed Van Scoy wrote:
>>Not only do I get to work on the engine & then drive it, but I
>>even have to push the damn thing in line to the start while
>>suited up....Which means I'm not belted in on time (which
>>always pisses Jim J. off) & now you want me to find time to
>>dance around with a freakin' rubber chicken??!! Well
>>hell,....If it works mail it to me I'll work it into the
>>pre-run checklist somehow........
>>Ed (engine out, stand by for complete diagnosis)
>>---- Original message ----
>>Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 07:45:13 -0700
>>From: "DrMayf" <>
>>Subject: Re: Rubber Chickens....the rest of the story
>>To: "Ed Van Scoy" <>, "W S Potter"
>>Cc: <>
>>Sorry but it requires the driver or crew chief to do that.
>>Since you are
>>both, it would befall you to do the honors. Did you get it
>>apart and locate
>>the damage? I saw the photos of the stuff in the pan.
>>I wish you had brought your chicken to SpeedWeek and danced
>>around my Corvette..........