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RE: What and where?

To: "'W S Potter'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: What and where?
From: "Jon Wennerberg" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 17:03:23 -0500
Wes, Nancy and I made enough trips back and forth on I-80 this year that we
can point out not only which motels and which restaurants to visit, but also
where there are scenic feedlots to see and -- better yet, where there are
both cornfields on the left and soybeans on the right!

You tell us how many hours you wanna drive each day -- we'll tell you where
to stay.

Want a real serious hint?  Buy the Wal-Mart version of the Rand-McNally
atlas.  Not only will you have decent, if not super-great, maps, but you'll
know where the stores are.  Nancy got me the 2003 atlas for the Christmas
and it's good, 'cause the 2002 version got torn and worn out during our
30,000 miles of chasing to this race and that race last year.  It's a good

And you can park your RV at any Wal-Mart parking lot for free!!

Jon and Nancy, where we've had 65 inches of snow this year but none in the
past coupla weeks.

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