Yeah well partaking of the festivities in the pits and at the starting line
or in the "line" is where the "real" men and women reside
word has it that you might be man enough this year to "come
out of the closet", so to speak??
can you elaborate ?
ps wmts "peeing every thirty minutes" "before" the run
is a sympathetic nervous system response,
my advice, always carry some spare mostly empty
oil bottles just in case
signed "anonymous"
Glen Barrett wrote:
>Well, as Keith says the timing trailer is air conditiond and the cost of
>entry is a good bottle of booze after the meet. Shade ain't enough to keep
>one cool but it helps. Like William says, drink a lot of water,use #45 sun
>screen on every part of the body even if the sun isn't direct, good sun
>glasses, and a hat that breaths. Other then that, keeping cool is a piece of
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>To: <>; <>
>Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 3:50 PM
>Subject: Re: Keeping cool
>>What I did was drink enough water so that I had to go to the Porta toliets
>at least every 30 minutes. I made sure that I went just before I finished
>suiting up. I then drank a double amount before I crawled in the car. We
>had a big golf umbrella to keep the sun off of cockpit. I will have a white
>drivers area on my new car.
>>Ps. I never had "TO GO" during or after a run. I hope this helps---to
>Remember to say full of water. wmts
>>>Date: 2002/06/05 Wed PM 06:07:12 EDT
>>>Subject: Re: Where's your stuff?
>>>In a message dated 6/4/2002 6:19:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
>>> writes:
>>>My Stuff-
>>> Finally getting engine mounts in streamliner chassis, got parts to
>>>update on carb. Got regristration sent late. Just begginning to realize
>>>much I don;t know about the salt.
>>> I notice in a lot of PICS most pit areas have plywood or carpet
>>>vehicles, added this to my list, need some sort of fan to keep driver
>>>while suited in streamliner waiting turn. What do most people use? The
>>>ones the drag cars use?
>>> Feeling overwhelmed on east coast.
>>> Rick D.
>>> 1957 S/VG
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