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Re: Noise levels

To: "Bryan A. Savage Jr" <>,
Subject: Re: Noise levels
From: "The Butters Family" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 08:32:06 -0800
    I second that motion,  Kvach
----- Original Message -----
From: Bryan A. Savage Jr <>
To: Chuck Rothfuss <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Noise levels

> Chuck, I heard one many years ago. I don't remember if it was an RX-2
> or R-100. My first reaction was amazement that any non nuclear device
> could make such a loud and IRRITATING sound. My next thought was "if all
> that sound energy could be converted to crankshaft energy you'd have
> a 300 pound motor that put out 2,000 HP. on pump gas"
> Please consider using the "somewhat quieted system" for the
> good of mankind.
> Bryan  (shopping for digital hearing aids)
> Chuck Rothfuss wrote:
> >
> > List,
> >
> >    Here's another question from the small, but growing Wankel engine
> > on the East Coast.  As I sit here designing my new exhaust system for
> > USS Wankel, and considering what to use on the RX7 and REPU, I'm stuck
> > somewhere between the most efficient (and horribly loud) arrangement and
> > somewhat quieted system that will cost me a few HP.  Have there ever
> > any problems with noise levels at LSR events, and are there any
> > on the horizon? (as there are in my local autocross club)  If you've
> > heard an unmuffled Mazda rotary, it may be difficult to comprehend the
> > painful, deafening scream that I'm referring to.  What I'd like to avoid
> > building something that's going to be legislated out of existance before
> > can wear it out.
> >
> > Chuck "deaf as a post, but considering others" Rothfuss
> > Pole Cat Hollow, NC

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