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Re: [Healeys] Over heating Healey's

To: rfbegani@gmail.com, healeylist <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Over heating Healey's
From: carl and gerry rubino via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 13:38:43 +0000
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I have an electric fan mounted on the front of the rad with a thermo,=20
variable, control. Never over heat.

------ Original Message ------
From: rfbegani@gmail.com
To: healeys@autox.team.net
Sent: 12/07/2023 8:08:35 AM
Subject: [Healeys] Over heating Healey's

>As the heater conversation changed to the overheating of our cars, the=20
>discussion developed towards the radiator, fan etc.  As many will=20
>remember, I installed a radiator pump and removed the fan in my Healey.=20
>At the same time, my electric fan mounted on the outside of the=20
>radiator stopped working.  However, the radiator pump continues to=20
>eliminate boil over when stopping the car for a stop light etc.  When=20
>the car is driven into the garage, I turn the engine off and then turn=20
>the ignition back on, so the pump continues to circulate the cooling=20
>water system thereby dropping the temperature of the water and boil=20
>over. In other words, you may not need an electric fan.  Nonetheless, I=20
>will repair or replace the electric fan.
>Bob Begani
>67 BJ8
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li[style=3D'text-align: center;'], li[style=3D'text-align: center; '], li[s=
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le-position: inside;}
body { font-family: Segoe UI; font-size: 12pt;   }=20
.quote { margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; border-left: 5px #ebebeb soli=
d; padding-left: 0.3em; }--></style></head><body><div>I have an electric fa=
n mounted on the front of the rad with a thermo, variable, control. Never o=
ver heat.</div>
<div><br /></div>
<div>------ Original Message ------</div>
<div>From: <a href=3D"mailto:rfbegani@gmail.com";>rfbegani@gmail.com</a></di=
<div>To: <a href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net";>healeys@autox.team.net</=
<div>Sent: 12/07/2023 8:08:35 AM</div>
<div>Subject: [Healeys] Over heating Healey's</div><div><br /></div>
<div id=3D"x4aeac155b957433" style=3D"word-wrap:break-word"><blockquote cit=
e=3D"100d01d9b4b9$95fa7970$c1ef6c50$@gmail.com" type=3D"cite" class=3D"cite=
<div class=3D"WordSection1"><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size=
:16.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif">As the heater conversatio=
n changed to the overheating of our cars, the discussion developed towards=
 the radiator, fan etc.=C2=A0 As many will remember, I installed a radiator=
 pump and removed the fan in my Healey. At the same time, my electric fan mo=
unted on the outside of the radiator stopped working.=C2=A0 However, the ra=
diator pump continues to eliminate boil over when stopping the car for a st=
op light etc.=C2=A0 When the car is driven into the garage, I turn the engi=
ne off and then turn the ignition back on, so the pump continues to circula=
te the cooling water system thereby dropping the temperature of the water a=
nd boil over. In other words, you may not need an electric fan.=C2=A0 Nonet=
heless, I will repair or replace the electric fan.<o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown"=
></o:p></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:16.0pt;fo=
nt-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif"><o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown">=C2=A0</o=
:p></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:16.0pt;font-f=
amily:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif">Bob Begani<o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown"></o=
:p></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:16.0pt;font-f=
amily:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif">67 BJ8<o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown"></o:p><=
/span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:16.0pt;font-famil=
y:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif"><o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown">=C2=A0</o:p></spa=
n></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:16.0pt;font-family:&q=
uot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif"><o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown">=C2=A0</o:p></span></=
p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:16.0pt;font-family:&quot;=
Arial&quot;,sans-serif"> <o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown"></o:p></span></p><p clas=
s=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-size:16.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial&quo=
t;,sans-serif"><o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown">=C2=A0</o:p></span></p><p class=3D=
"MsoNormal"><o:p xmlns:o=3D"#unknown">=C2=A0</o:p></p></div></blockquote></=

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