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Re: [Healeys] Intermittent OD

To: "'Richard Antal'" <rantal243@yahoo.com>, "'Healeys'" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Intermittent OD
From: "m.g.sharp--- via Healeys" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2022 07:59:14 -0500
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Richard,  I had an intermittent OD engagement issue this summer on my =
BT7.  I found that the bakelite on the end of the lockout switch had =
broken and so it was not consistently engaging (i.e. completing the =
circuit in 3rd and 4th.   I have no idea if it is the same switch as the =
BJ8, but it is an easy check to pull it out.  Make sure you save any =
washers/shims as the depth of the plungers is set up by shimming the =


Cheers, Mirek


From: Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Richard =
Antal via Healeys
Sent: November 8, 2022 4:24 PM
To: Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Intermittent OD



The solenoid and switch preceding it are twenty years old on my BJ8. In =
the past few months it operated unpredictably. I've pulled the tranny =
cover and demonstrated that the solenoid was failing to engage though =
power was coming to the switch. Before I could test to see if current =
was coming out of the switch to the solenoid, the later suddenly =
engaged. I was unable to reproduce failure of the solenoid to engage. =
The intermittent failure must be either due to the switch or the =
solenoid itself. Which is most likely to be the culprit? TIA.

  rich antal

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class=3DWordSection1><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'>Richard,=C2=A0 I had an =
intermittent OD engagement issue this summer on my BT7.=C2=A0 I found =
that the bakelite on the end of the lockout switch had broken and so it =
was not consistently engaging (i.e. completing the circuit in =
3<sup>rd</sup> and 4<sup>th</sup>.=C2=A0 =C2=A0I have no idea if it is =
the same switch as the BJ8, but it is an easy check to pull it =
out.=C2=A0 Make sure you save any washers/shims as the depth of the =
plungers is set up by shimming the switch.<o:p></o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span style=3D'mso-fareast-language:EN-US'>Cheers, =
Mirek<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
v style=3D'border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0cm =
0cm 0cm'><p class=3DMsoNormal><b><span =
lang=3DEN-US>From:</span></b><span lang=3DEN-US> Healeys =
&lt;healeys-bounces@autox.team.net&gt; <b>On Behalf Of </b>Richard Antal =
via Healeys<br><b>Sent:</b> November 8, 2022 4:24 PM<br><b>To:</b> =
Healeys &lt;healeys@autox.team.net&gt;<br><b>Subject:</b> [Healeys] =
Intermittent OD<o:p></o:p></span></p></div></div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><div><div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><span =
</o:p></span></p></div><div><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Helvetica",sans-serif'>The =
solenoid and switch preceding it are twenty years old on my BJ8. In the =
past few months it operated unpredictably. I've pulled the tranny cover =
and demonstrated that the solenoid was failing to engage though power =
was coming to the switch. Before I could test to see if current was =
coming out of the switch to the solenoid, the later suddenly engaged. I =
was unable to reproduce failure of the solenoid to engage. The =
intermittent failure must be either due to the switch or the solenoid =
itself. Which is most likely to be the culprit? =
TIA.<o:p></o:p></span></p></div><div><p class=3DMsoNormal><span =
style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Helvetica",sans-serif'>&nbsp; =
rich antal<o:p></o:p></span></p></div></div></div></body></html>

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