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Re: [Healeys] Fw: Pics

To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Fw: Pics
From: "John P. New via Healeys" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 10:32:49 -0500
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Ironport-sdr: sWY1OSpGUeL8/CkkaoxeKn4sUbnx0Vnwav0qJ3tlEmmLEK0ApUm8plnUyuEe7bmRlBStQUnOC2 8dwrVol03sxw==
References: <1723245265.8153474.1641765701841.JavaMail.zimbra@cds227.dcs.int.inet> <591621484.5082644.1641773962771@mail.yahoo.com> <232497DA-6D86-4363-A8DE-A67A3EEBD5EE@hxcore.ol>
I just wanted to point out a couple of things.

<shameless plug>

First, *everyone* should have easy access to the BN4-BJ8 Austin-Healey Parts 
Lists over at LBCdigital.com.

Second, the .pdf that Harold sent around is a page output from the BJ8 Parts 
List, also from LBCdigital. See how nice and pretty the copy is, with no 
oil/water/gas stains or smudged, greasy fingerprints to get in the way of the 
beautiful parts diagram? That's also how I knew it was from LBCdigital! :-)

(Note: While I used to sell these Parts Lists on CD, they are now free for 
anyone to access.)

London, Ontario Canada
1967 BJ8

On Sunday, January 9, 2022 7:43:52 PM EST Harold Manifold via Healeys wrote:
> David,
> I just happened to have my parts books open when your email came. The part in 
> pictures looks like the air intake assembly for the LHS of the car. The part 
> number is 14B7711 and I believe the same part was used on the BN4 through 
> BJ8. See attached scan.
> Harold
> From: David Lodge via Healeys
> Sent: Sunday, January 9, 2022 4:22 PM
> To: Austin Healey
> Cc: David Lodge
> Subject: [Healeys] Fw: Pics
> Hello Group,
> Can anybody please help with this part?  It came out of my BJ8, but to me, it 
> looks for all the world like it came from a BN-1/BN-2, especially as the 
> flange appears to have been, er, modified?  At least from what I can make of 
> the drawings in the various part lists.
> Thanks.


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