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Wow! Congrats Dan. It was worth waiting twenty years. Beautiful work and bea=
utiful car. I am sure you have a thermostat in there somewhere!
Sent from my iPad
> On Sep 17, 2018, at 5:26 PM, Corning, Dan (D.C.) <dcorning@ford.com> wrote=
> I apologies to the group, I have nothing to say about thermostats.
> =20
> I WOULD like to thank the group very much for the many years of advice and=
help you provided me during my restoration project. You helped me in too m=
any ways to mention. =20
> =20
> I purchased my father=E2=80=99s Tri-carb after he had completely disassemb=
led it with the thought he would restore it. The car had been sitting in ca=
rdboard boxes in a storage facility for many years before I convinced him to=
sell it to me. I had never restored a car before and knew very little abou=
t the inner workings of a Healey. However, I took my wife out for our first=
date in this car and wanted to see it back on the road again. After retrie=
ving it from storage, I worked on the car as finances allowed. Raising a fa=
mily, college expenses, etc. all got in the way of progress but I worked on t=
he car out of my garage as time and funds permitted. I did everything mysel=
f except some metal work and paint, I even got my granddaughter to help. It=
took over twenty years and an unknown amount of money (my wife covers her e=
ars when I talk about $$$$) I=E2=80=99ve been enjoying driving it this summ=
er when the Tennessee days are cool enough. It runs great, the thermostat w=
orks perfectly along with everything else!
> =20
> I couldn=E2=80=99t have done it without you!
> =20
> <1.JPG> <2.JPG> <4.JPG> <5.JPG> <6.JPG> <7.JPG> <7a.JPG> <8.JPG> <9.JPG> <=
> =20
> Best,
> Dan Corning
> =20
> =20
> =20
> <1.JPG>
> <2.JPG>
> <4.JPG>
> <5.JPG>
> <6.JPG>
> <7.JPG>
> <7a.JPG>
> <8.JPG>
> <9.JPG>
> <10.JPG>
> _______________________________________________
> Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Suggested annual donation $12.75
> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys
> Healeys@autox.team.net
> http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/linwoodr=
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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">Wow! Congrats Dan. It was worth waiting twe=
nty years. Beautiful work and beautiful car. I am sure you have a thermostat=
in there somewhere!<div>Lin<br><br><div id=3D"AppleMailSignature" dir=3D"lt=
r">Sent from my iPad</div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br>On Sep 17, 2018, at 5:26 PM, C=
orning, Dan (D.C.) <<a href=3D"mailto:dcorning@ford.com";>dcorning@ford.co=
m</a>> wrote:<br><br></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr">
<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii">=
<meta name=3D"Generator" content=3D"Microsoft Exchange Server">
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800000 2px solid; } --></style>
<font face=3D"Lucida Bright" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:10pt;">
<div>I apologies to the group, I have nothing to say about thermostats.</div=
<div> </div>
<div>I WOULD like to thank the group very much for the many years of advice a=
nd help you provided me during my restoration project. You helped me i=
n too many ways to mention. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>I purchased my father=E2=80=99s Tri-carb after he had completely disass=
embled it with the thought he would restore it. The car had been sitti=
ng in cardboard boxes in a storage facility for many years before I convince=
d him to sell it to me. I had never restored
a car before and knew very little about the inner workings of a Healey. =
; However, I took my wife out for our first date in this car and wanted to s=
ee it back on the road again. After retrieving it from storage, I work=
ed on the car as finances allowed. Raising
a family, college expenses, etc. all got in the way of progress but I worked=
on the car out of my garage as time and funds permitted. I did everyt=
hing myself except some metal work and paint, I even got my granddaughter to=
help. It took over twenty years
and an unknown amount of money (my wife covers her ears when I talk about $$=
$$) I=E2=80=99ve been enjoying driving it this summer when the Tenness=
ee days are cool enough. It runs great, the thermostat works perfectly=
along with everything else!</div>
<div><font face=3D"Calibri" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:11pt;"> =
<div>I couldn=E2=80=99t have done it without you!</div>
<div> </div>
<div><font face=3D"Calibri" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:11pt;"><1=
.JPG> <2.JPG> <4.JPG> <5.JPG>
<6.JPG> <7.JPG> <7a.JPG> <8.JPG> <9.JPG>
<10.JPG> </span></font></div>
<div><font face=3D"Calibri" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:11pt;"> =
<div>Best,<font face=3D"Calibri"> </font></div>
<div><font face=3D"Calibri" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:11pt;"><br>
<font face=3D"Lucida Bright" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:10pt;">Dan C=
<div><font face=3D"Calibri" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:11pt;"> =
<div><font face=3D"Calibri" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:11pt;"> =
<div><font face=3D"Calibri" size=3D"2"><span style=3D"font-size:11pt;"> =
</div></blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><1.JPG><=
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div></blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><4.JPG></d=
iv></blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><5.JPG></di=
v></blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><6.JPG></div=
></blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><7.JPG></div>=
</blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><7a.JPG></div>=
</blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><8.JPG></div><=
/blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><9.JPG></div></=
blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><10.JPG></div></=
blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><span>________________=
_______________________________</span><br><span>Support <a href=3D"http://Te=
am.Net">Team.Net</a> <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html";>http://www.=
team.net/donate.html</a></span><br><span>Suggested annual donation $12=
.75</span><br><span></span><br><span>Archive: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net=
n></span><br><span><a href=3D"mailto:Healeys@autox.team.net";>Healeys@autox.t=
eam.net</a></span><br><span><a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinf=
n></span><br><span>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mail=
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