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[Healeys] Emergency Brake Handle

Subject: [Healeys] Emergency Brake Handle
From: rrengineer.mike at att.net (Michael MacLean)
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2017 23:35:36 +0000 (UTC)
References: <1581476182.3518757.1484523336672.ref@mail.yahoo.com>
I am trying to take my BN2 emergency brake handle apart for chrome plating.? 
The only problem I am having is the push button on the end of the actuating 
rod.? I see a pin holding it in place and I am having a bit*h of a time driving 
the pin out.? Is the pin tapered?? Does it only drive out one way or could it 
just be corroded in place?? The button rocks back and forth so it is not stick 
where it passes through the actuating rod.? I am ready to just clamp it in the 
vice and just start whacking away with the hammer and punch.? Heat help?Mike 
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