Hi Mike,
If your steering box doesn't leak, just undo the filler cap and add whatever
flavor of gear oil you normally use.
Or if you want to change it, undo the 4 bolts at the front, let it drain out,
tighten the 4 bolts, add oil, and then degrease the chassis & garage floor.
Penrite is great when your steering box is leaking. You can buy it in a grease
tube, put it in your grease gun (preferably a pistol type gun, with a flexible
hose) and pump it in. If you buy it in a bottle, I hope you are a patient man.
It's like trying to pour molasses.....
This guy explains the process. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UwsfMPWuGg
> On 4 Sep 2016, at 5:30 AM, Mike <phoenix722@comcast.net> wrote:
> I need to add lube to my BJ8 steering box. In the archives, there were
> several references to Penrite. Anyone have a comment? Where do I get it?
> How easy is it to put in? Do I have to drain the old stuff first (I hope
> not)? Something else besides Penrite? TIA.
> --
> Mike
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