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[Healeys] NOJ 393

Subject: [Healeys] NOJ 393
From: bspidell at comcast.net (Bob Spidell)
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 23:04:20 +0000 (UTC)
Just finished the Piggott book on the '100;' it has a lot of photos of the car 
(including the crash scene). 


Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA 

----- Original Message -----

We definitely do not want it to look like the photo I have on the 
wall here at the shop. I have a shot of the car right after the 
accident up against the fence where the car came to rest, as well as 
one of it in the pits prior to the race and one during the race just 
past the Dunlap bridge. 

It might be fun to get a collection of all the photos people have of 
this historic car all in one place. 

David Nock 
British Car Specialists 
Stockton Ca 95205 


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