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[Healeys] old oil for an old car?

Subject: [Healeys] old oil for an old car?
From: shop at justbrits.com (" Just Brits " Shop)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 21:46:36 -0600
References: <stvgb7tvjjqnj7lifbocttqcn3fjs4ico6@4ax.com> <CAFBXTkJQwX7LsPeY7uYGN5UdnYxsR1GXDwZKAJ9Kzkaifp51CQ@mail.gmail.com>
On 11/7/2011 8:19 PM, Alan Seigrist wrote:
> It's up to you, is it worth the risk to you to use?
Roland, Alan has some good points but "forgot" the ONLY 'idea'
I'll be happy to impart <G> ! ! !

Go to Pennzoil site, find addy to write to and ASK them ! ! !

My $ 1.00 [especially for NEW motors <G>] !


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