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Re: [Healeys] Trany Noise Question

To: Mark LaPierre <lapierrem@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Trany Noise Question
From: John Harper <ah@jharper.demon.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:07:29 +0000

Did you by any chance separate the drive shaft by sliding it off the 
splines? If you did it is possible to get the drive shaft out of phase. 
To be correct there are two small pointers on the fixed and sliding part 
that need to be lined up. If the drive shaft is out of phase it will 
give an irregular drive as it rotates which is possibly what you are 
feeling in the overdrive.


>This is no doubt a very tough question to answer but any ideas would be
>Rebuilt, 28% O/D transmission.   Everything works well,   However.
>I am getting a noticeable clunk, clunk, clunk coming from the O/D unit as I am
>driving the car with the trany tunnel off.    I can put my hand on the O/D
>unit and feel
>the noise as I am driving.   I hear/feel the noise in all gears and when in
>neutral and
>when the O/D is engaged or not engaged.
>The noise starts at about 20 to 25 MPH and gets more rapid as the speed
>I removed the speedo cable, still have the noise.    I removed the speedo
>cable drive
>pinion from the O/D unit and capped it off,  still had the noise.
>I haven't totally cancelled out the new U-joint but it sure feels like its
>coming from the OD unit.

John Harper
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