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We have experienced many new door striker assemblies coming apart. I don't =
know if this applies to all door assemblies manufactured but the ones we ha=
ve purchased from A. H. Spares=A0 part # DRF 120 have fallen apart. This co=
uld result in serious injuries and I felt compelled to notify Healey member=
s. We=A0 have experienced this problem on purchases over the past 12 months=
. We strongly suggest you examine your striker assemblies carefully.
We have notified A.H Spares of the problem but unfortunately this issue has=
not been corrected on our most recent purchase from them.
We think door staying=A0 closed is a pretty important thing while driving d=
own the road.
Happy Healeying, =A0Marty www.jule-enterprises.com
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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;">We have experienced many new door striker ass=
emblies coming apart. I don't know if this applies to all door assemblies m=
anufactured but the ones we have purchased from A. H. Spares part # D=
RF 120 have fallen apart. This could result in serious injuries and I felt =
compelled to notify Healey members. We have experienced this problem =
on purchases over the past 12 months. We strongly suggest you examine your =
striker assemblies carefully.<br>We have notified A.H Spares of the problem=
but unfortunately this issue has not been corrected on our most recent pur=
chase from them.<br>We think door staying closed is a pretty importan=
t thing while driving down the road.<br><br><div><font size=3D"3" color=3D"=
#0000ff" face=3D"comic sans ms">Happy <span>Healeying</span>,</font></div> =
<div><font size=3D"3" color=3D"#0000ff" face=3D"comic sans ms"> Marty=
<div><font size=3D"3" color=3D"#0000ff" face=3D"times new roman"><a rel=3D=
"nofollow" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"http://www.jule-enterprises.com";>www.j=
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