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Re: [Healeys] Undercoating

To: rnbmail@yahoo.com, healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Undercoating
From: Editorgary@aol.com
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:40:02 EDT
In a message dated 6/24/08 9:15:52 AM, rnbmail@yahoo.com writes:

> 1.  Here in N Cal rust/humidity is not an issue.
> 2.  Pics show the resto in all details.
> 3.  I am not restoring to sell, and got it cheap in 90.
> 4.  Appearance and driving is my priority - college days replay.
> 5.  I have done 20 years of concoursing - I am done - time to drive.
> 6.  I dont have the time or appetite to repaint the underside once a year.
> Should be done by August for the Monterey weekend - will come to the Palo
> Alto Sat morning meeting after that.
Your reasons are specific and because limited in application may tip the
balance for you, but I still would recommend in the general case that an owner
undercoat a Healey.
So in the interests of continuing the discussion for those who may consider
undercoating in the future:
Reason 1 doesn't apply anywhere, unless you don't ever intend to drive in the
rain, or on loose surfaces (which would negate reason 4) because the
underside is just as vulnerable to rain water and mud as it is to humidity.
cars rust just like any other cars, just not as fast.
Re Reason 2: Regardless of pictures, when the car is restored again (and,
given the value of Healeys, it will be) the new owner will have to pay for the
time and effort it takes to remove the undercoating.
Reason 5 I would argue, isn't relevant since the Healey concours is
structured specifically to evaluate only freshly restored cars, after which
intention is that the car be driven. (Unlike, say, Jaguar club, one can't
concours a
specific Healey more than once every three years.)
As for Reason 6, if you're not under the car once a year to check out
underbody, tighten up suspension fasteners, and grease the fittings after
the oil, you'll be in for trouble down the road, so scraping and painting here
and there isn't a really big deal.
But as my maiden aunt from Texas used to say, "Each to his own, as the man
said when he kissed the cow."


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