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Re: Healey on Ebay

To: Awgertoo@aol.com, msalter@precisionsportscar.com,
Subject: Re: Healey on Ebay
From: GSFuqua1@aol.com
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 19:31:42 EST
Michael, I have seen this both ways but it is "Supposed" to be the way you 
described it.  The problem e-bay was running into was sellers (usually bad 
were searching the bidder lists and then soliciting them directly (many times 
with Scam 2nd Chance Offers).  Going to the elimination of the user id was 
supposed to stop this sort of thing.  Personally, as a frequent buyer, I don't 
really care for this as I like to see if one particular person is bidding 
things up or what.  I have received MANY scam 2nd chance offers.  I just figure 
can weed them out myself.  Oh Well.

Happy New Year to all!!!

Gary Fuqua
Branson, MO

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