Thanks to those that sent me route suggestions.
In the end I towed north up the I-95 corridor as far as New Brunswick, NJ,
then slid over to I-287 and followed that into I-87/NY and on to Newburgh with
no traffic problems but LOTS of tolls. I stopped at West Point and toured the
museum, then took NY 218, the narrow, twisty corniche road--a beautiful ride
with breathtaking views of the Hudson River Gorge though at times challenging
with the trailer, etc. Yesterday I came back (empty trailer) via I-84, took a
break to cut down 202 through the Delaware Water Gap, then got on I-80 and
back down I-83 through Baltimore, etc.
As many suggested the latter route was indeed more scenic, with much less
traffic and no tolls, if a bit longer. Gas prices are out of sight everywhere!
Thanks for the good advice as always--Hope to see lots of folks at Akron.
Best--Michael Oritt