You are obviously a man with your priorities straight, but it's not polite
to gloat.
Bill Lawrence
>From: "John Soderling" <>
>Reply-To: "John Soderling" <>
>To: "Healey List" <>, "scott willis"
>Subject: Re: Chill
>Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 20:46:16 -0800
>Actually, I almost missed the great Healey day on the Pacific Coast Highway
>last Friday - the pro shop had just announced my foursome's "five minute to
>tee-time call" for our 9 a.m. tee-time when my buddy with the blue over old
>English white Healey in the photo called me on my cell phone to talk me
>into a trip to the coast with him. The others in my golf foursome couldn't
>understand how I could trade a day of golfing for a day of car driving -
>but then they don't know the joy of driving 200 miles in a ton of Coker
>sculpted aluminum & steel powered by a big honking lump of long-stroke
>Austin iron while listening to the raucous, blatting straight-six tailpipe
>Vroom vrooom,
>100-Six Erika the Red