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Re: Extreme GEEZ and lap timer

Subject: Re: Extreme GEEZ and lap timer
From: Brian Kennedy <>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 22:44:31 -0600
This is where the existing GPS tool interested me.
It *claims* to allow you to define as many segment
times as you want and reliably record them.
That coupled with Geez would help tremendously.

And if the GPS tool can really do that, then its
waayyy better than a lap timer.

Sooo, before I invest the $$, I'd love to have some
confidence the box can actually do that... accurately
record segment times.  Opinions?

 From my experience with Nav systems, I suspect it
would work +- a few feet.  Yes, accuracy is rough,
but precision and stability is pretty high.

To Byron's question:
 >Let me ask it this way...would people be willing to pay, say, $800
 >for a GEEZ model with wheel speed if it produced maps that were
 >generally 90% accurate with no adjustments?
 >I don't know the answer, I'm really asking...

Just for somewhat more accurate maps sans adjustments... I doubt it.
But if you could incorporate in highly accurate segment times with
those markers shown on the map... now that would be worth some
money (I'd pay it).


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