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Re: G-Analyst?

Subject: Re: G-Analyst?
From: "Dr. Bob Woods" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 22:34:01 -0600

I am the faculty advisor at the University of Texas at Arlington.  We build
Formula SAE cars <>.  We use both the GEEZ cube and the
g-Analyst, but actually prefer the g-Analyst (at least for the print-out).
We are very heavy users of g's data and record every competitive run.  Both
are worthless unless you study your driving in detail using a computer

In the g-Analyst, the printer display of the run is printed clearly at
every 0.1 seconds and you can study exactly what you do on track (e.g., hit
brakes .5 seconds too early, exceed the g-circle, didn't use enought g's,
trail brake, etc.)  It doesn't generate a very good g-g plot, but I input
that into Excel for a wonderful plot (see website).  You can put two runs
side-by-side and compare each corner with other runs or other drivers.
However, it requires old dot-matrix printers and is not Windows friendly.
I wish someone would make it compatable with Windows and laser printers.

I find that the output from the GEEZ is not so readable in that you cannot
read in large print what your g's are (lateral and longitudinal) every 0.1
second.  It seems the emphasis of the GEEZ software is the generation of
track maps and performance metrics.  I am not interested in regenerating
the track map (I have already drawn that by hand very accurately before the
run), and I am not so interested in the performance metrics since that
doesn't really tell me what I am doing in a given turn.  They are fun to
know, but they are not a direct learning tool for me.  What I am interested
in is how I blend the brakes, turning, and acceleration.  Once you
understand what you are looking for, the only way to drive better is to
study exactly what you do in and out of each turn (by the millisecond); the
rest of it is just foot on the floor (and driving lines).

If you decide to stick with the GEEZ, please consider donating your
g-Analyst to the university for a tax write-off.  We only have three of
them and can use another; and they are out of production.

I hope that I haven't offended Byron; rather, I hope I have motivated him
to generate more software.  Comments anyone?

Dr. Bob Woods
Faculty Advisor
University of Texas at Arlington

At 04:41 PM 3/24/02 EST, you wrote:
>I'm a little confused here. Help me. I have a G-Analyst that I never really 
>liked, and rarely used. What's the relationship between the Geez and the 
>I have a m100 Palm. I run road courses and would like to know what the best 
>setup for collecting data is.Should I just put the G-Analyst back on the 
>shelf and forget it? Or, is there some connection between the GEEZ and the 
>old G-Analyst?

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