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RE: Sampling Rate Failure

To: "Byron Short" <>, "Steve Hudson" <>,
Subject: RE: Sampling Rate Failure
From: "Brent DeWitt" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 19:31:43 -0600

By any chance, are you using the new Palm folding keyboard?  It absolutely
killed my ability to get data from the cube.  As far as defrag, Palm OS 3
onward is supposed to take care of that in itself.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Byron Short
> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 4:55 PM
> To: Steve Hudson;
> Subject: Re: Sampling Rate Failure
> Steve,
> The GEEZ Palm recorder tracks it's own sample rate to ensure
> that things are running appropriately.  Generally, as a Palm
> gets more and more fragmented in memory usage, the sampling
> rate can begin to deteriorate somewhat.  This is not a
> function of how much free memory is left, it seems, but
> rather of how much is used.  If the sample rate drops to 9,
> the software interpolates the missing value, and goes on as
> normal.  Same at 8.  If the sample rate drops to 7, 6 or 5,
> the software issues a warning to that effect, and still
> interpolates the missing values.  However, if the sample
> rate drops to 4 or less, the data is essentially no good,
> and no missing values are interpolated.  However, the run
> may still be readable.
> However, let me qualify this a bit.  A sample rate of 1 is,
> well, as far as we've seen, not going to happen the usual
> way.  Rather, I suspect that the problem was a bad
> connection of some sort, that managed to get reconnected
> prior to completely losing the connection.  If this is the
> case, and if you aren't getting messages such as this on a
> regular basis, I'd try to see if the data has any obvious
> holes in it.  There's a 9/10ths of a second gap in there
> somewhere, but it may be hard to detect.  The run is
> probably still readable and usable, but I wouldn't make any
> earth-shattering decisions from it.  There's no way to know
> exactly where the error occurred.
> Again, I suspect that in this particular case, you actually
> had a disconnect-reconnect sequence in the data, rather than
> a true low sampling rate problem.  However, if you are
> experiencing low sampling rate problems, I would suggest
> unloading any unused items from your Palm, and running a
> memory defrag program.  There are a few of them out there,
> I'm told.  Because I use my Palms only for GEEZ, I've not
> had this problem, but I have seen it on other machines.
> BTW, what Palm model is this?  Have you had other sampling
> rate warnings or failures prior to this?
> --Byron
> Steve Hudson wrote:
> >
> > I downloaded a run from my Palm today and I got the following
> error message:
> > "Sampling Rate Failure- one or more seconds in which the
> sampling rate fell
> > as low as one per second."
> > Any one know what this means?
> >
> > Steve Hudson

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