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[Fot] 2023 Kastner Cup Update

To: fot <>
Subject: [Fot] 2023 Kastner Cup Update
From: Brian Garcia via Fot <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 14:47:22 -0500 (CDT)
Importance: Normal

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Good afternoon, Amici.
It has been an absolutely crazy month and I apologize for the delay getting=
 out this much over due update on the Kastner Cup.  First and foremost =E2=
=80=93 thank you thank you thank you for everyone that has registered.  We =
are currently at 40 entries and are expecting a handful more =E2=80=93 this=
 will be a fantastic turnout and Road America is very happy about the suppo=
rt you all have shown for the event.  If you are planning on coming but hav=
en=E2=80=99t registered yet please be aware that online registration closes=
 next Monday 7/3 at 10 am Central.  Online registration can be found here: =
If you have any questions at all, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me.=20
I will be sending more detailed information out next week for everyone, but=
 there are a few things that I wanted to put out there now:
    * Paddock Parking =E2=80=93 Road America usually does assigned parking =
for this event.  At our request, they have allocated us a designated plot o=
f land and are allowing us to organize it as we see fit.  We will be assist=
ing everyone with where they need to be once they get onsite.  With that in=
 mind, most of you that have registered have received an email from me aski=
ng questions about multiple thing including when you plan on arriving and i=
f there is someone you would like to be near.  Even if you don=E2=80=99t fi=
ll out the driver bio, these 2 pieces of information would be very helpful =
in helping us plan.  If you haven=E2=80=99t received this email from me yet=
 you will shortly.
    * Triumph Street Car Parking =E2=80=93 if you are driving your non-raci=
ng Triumph to the event, Road America has graciously given us additional sp=
ace inside the track paddock for these cars to be parked and displayed!  Th=
e document I send next week will have specifics on how you will check in bu=
t please spread the word that anyone driving their classic Triumph car to t=
he event will be able to park in the competition paddock near the race cars=
!  Note that due to the size of this event paddock parking is by permit onl=
y and restricted so this is a big get for the Triumph community!
    * Competition Schedule =E2=80=93 on the event Website for the WeatherTe=
ch International Challenge there is a link to a Provisional schedule.  They=
 are still moving things around so run group times throughout the weekend w=
ill still move a little but the Kastner Cup will be at 11:30 am on Sunday J=
uly 16th.  Next week I will be sending out a condensed version of the sched=
ule with only the times/events pertinent to FOT included to make it easier =
to digest.=20
    * British Sportscar Hall of Fame Induction =E2=80=93 the British Sports=
car Hall of Fame induction ceremony is being held as part of the Welcome Re=
ception at the track on Thursday evening.  Please make time to come to supp=
ort this event as our very own Mark Bradakis will be among the honorees alo=
ng with a posthumous induction for Triumph hotshoe Brian Fuerstenau.  The c=
eremony will begin at 6 pm on Thursday 7/13 at the Road America Center.
    * Special Guests =E2=80=93 we have several honored guest that will be j=
oining us at the Kastner Cup.  Triumph Factory Driver Robert Johns and 250K=
 Designer Peter Brock will be gracing our Paddock with their presence for t=
his event.  We are very excited to welcome them both!
    * Kastner Cup Posters =E2=80=93 Mark Alexander posted previously about =
the availability of this year=E2=80=99s event poster.  We will have them fo=
r sale at the event, but you can also contact Mark directly if you are not =
attending but would still like to purchase one.  All of the profits from th=
ese posters to toward the Kastner Cup fund used to host this event and make=
 it memorable for everyone in attendance.  Please add one of these to your =
    * Kastner Cup T Shirts =E2=80=93 we are handling T shirts a little diff=
erently this year.  To ease the burden of collecting payments, sorting, and=
 distributing on the very small group putting this event on we have opened =
T Shirt sales online as a fundraiser.  T shirts can be purchased using the =
link below.  We will have a picture of the shirts along with a scannable co=
de at the event so anyone not privy to this email can order one as well.  W=
e currently have orders open to be taken until the week after the event to =
allow everyone to get theirs in.  They will ship directly to you.  Again, 1=
00% of this goes toward the Kastner Cup fund so please order some for you a=
nd your crew!  Order yours here:
ner-cup-9528&utm_medium=3Dsocial&utm_source=3Dcopy-link https://urldefense.=
    * Group Photo =E2=80=93 we want to make this year=E2=80=99s group photo=
 memorable and it has been difficult finding time and a place to make this =
happen with so many cars at this event (425 and counting) and so much on th=
e calendar.  We have worked with Road America to secure some time on track =
at the end of the day on Saturday to stage what will hopefully be an epic K=
astner Cup group photo that would make Kas proud.  This will take place at =
5:30 on Saturday and we should be back in the paddock by 6:15.  I wanted to=
 put that out there as you consider you evening plans and hope very much th=
at each of you will take the time to participate in this.
    * Fundraising =E2=80=93 in addition to posters and T shirts, as we have=
 shared previously we are accepting donations via the online site gofundme.=
  Many of you have donated and we are very grateful!  A few sent checks whi=
ch is also greatly appreciated.  With the good problem on our hands of more=
 racers than we estimated we want to make sure we can sill offer the same l=
evel of hospitality that we had envisioned.  If you haven=E2=80=99t donated=
 and feel compelled to help your fellow Triumph racers donations can still =
be made at: or through one of the race chairs.  =
Thanks to all!
I think that is it for today and be on the lookout for more details next we=
ek.  Thank you all for helping to make this group stand out at one of the l=
argest amateur racing events in the country!
Best regards,
Brian Garcia =E2=80=93 Co Chair 2023 Kastner Cup
Mark Alexander =E2=80=93 Co Chair 2023 Kastner Cup
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<!doctype html>
  <meta charset=3D"UTF-8">=20
  <div class=3D"default-style" style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helve=
tica,arial,sans-serif; color: #333333;">=20
    Good afternoon, Amici.
    It has been an absolutely crazy month and I apologize for the delay get=
ting out this much over due update on the Kastner Cup.&nbsp; First and fore=
most =E2=80=93 thank you thank you thank you for everyone that has register=
ed.&nbsp; We are currently at 40 entries and are expecting a handful more =
=E2=80=93 this will be a fantastic turnout and Road America is very happy a=
bout the support you all have shown for the event.&nbsp; If you are plannin=
g on coming but haven=E2=80=99t registered yet please be aware that online =
registration closes next Monday 7/3 at 10 am Central.&nbsp; Online registra=
tion can be found here: <a href=3D"
    If you have any questions at all, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me.=
    I will be sending more detailed information out next week for everyone,=
 but there are a few things that I wanted to put out there now:
    <li>Paddock Parking =E2=80=93 Road America usually does assigned parkin=
g for this event.&nbsp; At our request, they have allocated us a designated=
 plot of land and are allowing us to organize it as we see fit.&nbsp; We wi=
ll be assisting everyone with where they need to be once they get onsite. &=
nbsp;With that in mind, most of you that have registered have received an e=
mail from me asking questions about multiple thing including when you plan =
on arriving and if there is someone you would like to be near.&nbsp; Even i=
f you don=E2=80=99t fill out the driver bio, these 2 pieces of information =
would be very helpful in helping us plan.&nbsp; If you haven=E2=80=99t rece=
ived this email from me yet you will shortly.</li>=20
   <div class=3D"default-style" style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helv=
etica, arial, sans-serif; color: #333333;">
    <li>Triumph Street Car Parking =E2=80=93 if you are driving your non-ra=
cing Triumph to the event, Road America has graciously given us additional =
space inside the track paddock for these cars to be parked and displayed!&n=
bsp; The document I send next week will have specifics on how you will chec=
k in but please spread the word that anyone driving their classic Triumph c=
ar to the event will be able to park in the competition paddock near the ra=
ce cars!&nbsp; Note that due to the size of this event paddock parking is b=
y permit only and restricted so this is a big get for the Triumph community=
    <li>Competition Schedule =E2=80=93 on the event Website for the Weather=
Tech International Challenge there is a link to a Provisional schedule.&nbs=
p; They are still moving things around so run group times throughout the we=
ekend will still move a little but the<strong> Kastner Cup will be at 11:30=
 am on Sunday July 16<sup style=3D"line-height: 0;">th</sup>.</strong>&nbsp=
; Next week I will be sending out a condensed version of the schedule with =
only the times/events pertinent to FOT included to make it easier to digest=
   <div class=3D"default-style" style=3D"font-size: 12pt; font-family: helv=
etica, arial, sans-serif; color: #333333;">
    <li>British Sportscar Hall of Fame Induction =E2=80=93 the British Spor=
tscar Hall of Fame induction ceremony is being held as part of the Welcome =
Reception at the track on Thursday evening.&nbsp; Please make time to come =
to support this event as our very own Mark Bradakis will be among the honor=
ees along with a posthumous induction for Triumph hotshoe Brian Fuerstenau.=
&nbsp; The ceremony will begin at 6 pm on Thursday 7/13 at the Road America=
    <li>Special Guests =E2=80=93 we have several honored guest that will be=
 joining us at the Kastner Cup.&nbsp; Triumph Factory Driver Robert Johns a=
nd 250K Designer Peter Brock will be gracing our Paddock with their presenc=
e for this event.&nbsp; We are very excited to welcome them both!</li>=20
    <li>Kastner Cup Posters =E2=80=93 Mark Alexander posted previously abou=
t the availability of this year=E2=80=99s event poster.&nbsp; We will have =
them for sale at the event, but you can also contact Mark directly if you a=
re not attending but would still like to purchase one.&nbsp; All of the pro=
fits from these posters to toward the Kastner Cup fund used to host this ev=
ent and make it memorable for everyone in attendance.&nbsp; Please add one =
of these to your collections.&nbsp;</li>=20
    <li>Kastner Cup T Shirts =E2=80=93 we are handling T shirts a little di=
fferently this year. &nbsp;To ease the burden of collecting payments, sorti=
ng, and distributing on the very small group putting this event on we have =
opened T Shirt sales online as a fundraiser.&nbsp; T shirts can be purchase=
d using the link below.&nbsp; We will have a picture of the shirts along wi=
th a scannable code at the event so anyone not privy to this email can orde=
r one as well.&nbsp; We currently have orders open to be taken until the we=
ek after the event to allow everyone to get theirs in.&nbsp; They will ship=
 directly to you.&nbsp; Again, 100% of this goes toward the Kastner Cup fun=
d so please order some for you and your crew!&nbsp; Order yours here:&nbsp;=
 <a href=3D"
    <li>Group Photo =E2=80=93 we want to make this year=E2=80=99s group pho=
to memorable and it has been difficult finding time and a place to make thi=
s happen with so many cars at this event (425 and counting) and so much on =
the calendar.&nbsp; We have worked with Road America to secure some time on=
 track at the end of the day on Saturday to stage what will hopefully be an=
 epic Kastner Cup group photo that would make Kas proud.&nbsp; This will ta=
ke place at 5:30 on Saturday and we should be back in the paddock by 6:15.&=
nbsp; I wanted to put that out there as you consider you evening plans and =
hope very much that each of you will take the time to participate in this.<=
    <li>Fundraising =E2=80=93 in addition to posters and T shirts, as we ha=
ve shared previously we are accepting donations via the online site gofundm=
e.&nbsp; Many of you have donated and we are very grateful!&nbsp; A few sen=
t checks which is also greatly appreciated.&nbsp; With the good problem on =
our hands of more racers than we estimated we want to make sure we can sill=
 offer the same level of hospitality that we had envisioned.&nbsp; If you h=
aven=E2=80=99t donated and feel compelled to help your fellow Triumph racer=
s donations can still be made at: <a href=3D"";>ht=
tps://</a> or through one of the race chairs.&nbsp; Thank=
s to all!</li>=20
    I think that is it for today and be on the lookout for more details nex=
t week.&nbsp; Thank you all for helping to make this group stand out at one=
 of the largest amateur racing events in the country!
    Best regards,
    Brian Garcia =E2=80=93 Co Chair 2023 Kastner Cup
    <a href=3D"";></a>
    Mark Alexander =E2=80=93 Co Chair 2023 Kastner Cup
    <a href=3D"";>markarthuralexander@gm=</a>

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