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You are not alone in your position.
Bruce Stutzman
On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 11:57 PM Ronnie Babbitt via Fot <fot@autox.team.net=
> I=E2=80=99m Very aware many had lost significant invest thru Charles Runy=
> failure to disclose the the fact that the investment I we're not secured
> thru a supposed life insurance policy. In personally do not believe he ha=
> Malice as his intent, I believe he though he could eventually pay everyon=
> back. I personally don=E2=80=99t know anyone who hadn=E2=80=99t received =
some investment
> payment return. I=E2=80=99m not saying there weren=E2=80=99t, I just don=
=E2=80=99t know of
> anyone. Prior to his death everyone thought highly of him.
> I Also do not believe that Albert was copious in Charles intent. He has a
> enormous amount of weight on his shoulders in trying to keep the TRF
> upright, he also has the well-being and financial future of all his
> employees to be concerned with.
> Regardless of your opinion of Charles, he was responsible for many
> obsolete parts being remanufactured, he also helped in advancing the supp=
> chain of our beloved hobby.
> Many of you know I just finished restoring a TR6 in honor of my brother.
> Albert personally handled every single transaction regarding my car. To m=
> now is the time to support him and the TRF. We can=E2=80=99t afford to lo=
se this
> valuable resource. There isn=E2=80=99t another vendor who supports our ho=
bby as the
> they do. I=E2=80=99ve hosted several VTR regional and National convention=
s, the TRF
> was always willing to support the event either thru sponsorship or
> donations , and they were willing come and set up their store making par=
> available on site. No other vendor was willing to come and do this.
> I will, and intend to continue to purchase from them and I will be
> supporting them now more than ever. Can I purchase parts cheaper?
> probably. Am I willing to wait for backorders even though the same part =
> available from another vendor? Yes. And I have
> They have supported us now we need to support them. I am certain that
> those who had invested and lost their investment won=E2=80=99t feel as I =
do and
> that=E2=80=99s certainly understandable.
> That=E2=80=99s just my 2 cents
> Ronnie Babbitt
> _______________________________________________
> fot@autox.team.net
> http://www.fot-racing.com
> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Archive: http://autox.team.net/archive http://www.team.net/pipermail/fot
> Unsubscribe/Manage <http://www.team.net/pipermail/fotUnsubscribe/Manage>:
> http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/fot/stutztr4@gmail.com
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<div dir=3D"ltr">You are not alone in your position.<div>Bruce Stutzman<br>=
<div><br></div></div></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" =
class=3D"gmail_attr">On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 11:57 PM Ronnie Babbitt via Fo=
t <<a href=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net";>fot@autox.team.net</a>> wrot=
e:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0=
.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div dir=3D"a=
uto"><br><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)">I=E2=80=99m Very aware many had l=
ost significant invest thru Charles Runyan=E2=80=99s failure to disclose th=
e the fact that the investment I we're not secured thru a supposed life=
insurance policy. In personally do not believe he had Malice as his intent=
, I believe he though he could eventually pay everyone back. I personally d=
on=E2=80=99t know anyone who hadn=E2=80=99t received some investment paymen=
t return. I=E2=80=99m not saying there weren=E2=80=99t, I just don=E2=80=99=
t =C2=A0know of anyone.=C2=A0 Prior to his death everyone thought highly of=
him.=C2=A0</span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0=
,0,0)"></span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0=
)">I Also do not believe that Albert was copious in Charles intent. He has =
a enormous amount of weight on his shoulders in trying to keep the TRF upri=
ght, he also has the well-being and financial future of all his employees t=
o be concerned with.=C2=A0</span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=
=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"></span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"=
color:rgb(0,0,0)">Regardless of your opinion of Charles, he was responsible=
for many obsolete parts being remanufactured, he also helped in advancing =
the supply chain of our beloved hobby. =C2=A0</span><br style=3D"color:rgb(=
0,0,0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"></span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,=
0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)">Many of you know I just finished resto=
ring a TR6 in honor of my brother. Albert personally handled every single t=
ransaction regarding my car. To me now is the time to support him and the T=
RF. We can=E2=80=99t afford to lose this valuable resource. There isn=E2=80=
=99t another vendor who supports our hobby as the they do. I=E2=80=99ve hos=
ted several VTR regional and National conventions, the TRF was always willi=
ng to support the event either thru sponsorship or donations , and they wer=
e willing come and set up their store =C2=A0making parts available on site.=
No other vendor was willing to come and do this.=C2=A0</span><br style=3D"=
color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"></span><br style=3D"colo=
r:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)">I will, and intend =C2=A0to =
continue to purchase from them and I will be supporting them now more than =
ever. Can I purchase parts cheaper? =C2=A0probably. Am I willing to wait fo=
r backorders even though the same part is available from another vendor? Ye=
s.=C2=A0 And I have=C2=A0</span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=
=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"></span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"=
color:rgb(0,0,0)">They have supported us now we need to support them.=C2=A0=
I am certain that those who had invested and lost their investment won=E2=
=80=99t feel as I do and that=E2=80=99s certainly understandable. =C2=A0</s=
pan><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"></span>=
<br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)">That=E2=80=
=99s just my 2 cents=C2=A0</span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=
=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"></span><br style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)"><span style=3D"=
color:rgb(0,0,0)">Ronnie Babbitt</span><div><font color=3D"#000000"><span><=
br></span></font><div dir=3D"ltr"><br></div></div></div>___________________=
<a href=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net"; target=3D"_blank">fot@autox.team.net<=
<a href=3D"http://www.fot-racing.com"; rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">=
Archive: <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/archive"; rel=3D"noreferrer" targe=
t=3D"_blank">http://autox.team.net/archive</a> <a href=3D"http://www.team.n=
et/pipermail/fotUnsubscribe/Manage" rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">ht=
t/stutztr4@gmail.com" rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">http://autox.tea=
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