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[Fot] oil line & cooler flush chems

Subject: [Fot] oil line & cooler flush chems
From: toodamnfunky at (Jim Gray)
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2018 13:31:31 -0700
First, Happy New Year !

I hope everyone has a break free & leak free 2018. 

Anyhoo, I'm moving to my next stage of engine & oil cleanliness. In the next
couple weeks I'm making a recirculating oil cooler and line cleaner

with filtration. What I'm not sure about at this point is a suitable
chemical to do the work. I've heard about kerosene but just thought I'd ask

the collective for input.

Currently I use my home made pressure cooker oil flusher/charger thingy. I
made it so I can push pressurized, heated generic/low cost oil through all
my lines and cooler

just to get minor particulates out and then fill everything with new
Valvoline 20/50. I have oil line taps throughout the system so I can
pre-prime the accusump, lines & cooler

and for pre-start up priming.

Any thoughts on a suitable chemical or petrol product I could circulate
without blowing things up ?


Thanks as always, 

jim g


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