quickly,,,,, several possible issues............
1 injector has failed
the 2 internal O rings in the metering unit have failed
the shuttle has jammed at 1 end
one or more check valves have failed
if the injectors dont "pulse" nicely when pulled out, then the fault could
be either an injector or the metering unit
whislt running, blank off the injector port with a rag or cork, and gently
pull open the pintle tit of the injector that is not spraying. dribbles
indicate its getting fuel but it could still have a failed outlet valve or
internal o ring. no fuel indicates metering unit internal fault
sometimes, if its just dribbling a bit, you can solve this by gently
pushing back the injector nozzle into the body, then tap the end fitting
where the nylon hose screws on. this can get them spraying again
once removed, if the injector 'rattles" then it has internally failed. most
like the circlip has fallen off and the O ring has shrunk. both easily
here are the simplistic 'repair instructions" for the metering unit
take the complete metering unit off car with engine at TDC as per repair
dont lose the plastic drive dog
check it rotates freely by moving the tang where the plastic drive dog goes
check then remove all injector pipes.. they are stamped 1-6 at injector end
remove 4 outlet valves and 2 outlet banjo valves (18 & 19mm ring spanners).
if the rubber 'bung seals' come out with them, they have shrunk and need
replacing. if not, pick them out with a suitable bent-end picker. dont use
a screwdriver or large tool, and dont scratch their inside faces
remove the vacuum control unit from metering distributor and put it aside
(dont disassemble)
check the fuel diaphragm is not split. hold it up to the light and pull
gently looking for splits
tip the distribution unit on its 4-bolt end and check the shuttle pin falls
out freely if the inner barrel falls out as an assembly, the internal O
rings are stuffed
test each outlet valve you take out by sucking on its inside 'tit". a
perfect one will hold on your tongue for ages. if it wont seal at all by
sucking, the flap valve inside it is stuffed and they need repair or
wash everything in white spirits/kero
replace the 2 internal o rings with Viton versions (readily available) and
a tiny smear of rubber grease
refit the barrel without bung seals
align the barrel then fit new/good bung seals with a tiny smear of rubber
grease, pressing them home with a flat ended dowel or similar (care, no
swarf gets in)
refit 4 outlet vales with new O rings or dowty washers (depending on
model--both readily available)
refit the metering shuttle without any grease/oil and check it moves freely.
refit the control assembly taking care not to damage the diaphragm
test the control unit diaphragm is not leaking
refit and drive away happy
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