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FYI=2C the frame stiffening article was in the Sept/Oct 1998 grassroots mot=
orsports issue.
From: trmarty@hotmail.com
To: fot@autox.team.net
Subject: FOT in print (old print)
Date: Sun=2C 14 Sep 2008 13:47:40 -0400
As I sit here contemplating how to resurrect the TR6 I remembered that the=
re was an article in Grassroots Motorsports years ago on stiffening Triumph=
TR3/4 frames that might apply to the TR6's. I dug out my collection and s=
tarted paging through. Found it=2C it was and article by Ken Knight (don't=
know if he is FOT) with a picture leading on showing either Henry Frye or =
George Wrights car on track. Anyhow=2C British Car Feb 1992 talks about Bob=
Lang winning the Stock TR6 class at an autox in Rhode Island. Grassroots M=
otorsports Jan/Feb 1996 has a real nice article on Bill Dentinger and his T=
R3. And the Mar/April 1997 edition of Grassroots Motorsports has a nice art=
icle about Peyote when Bill Ames owned it. Probably a bunch more in the st=
ack but I gotta stop and get something done. Kinda neat to look at these ol=
d articles and see folks I know.
Marty Sukey
See how Windows connects the people=2C information=2C and fun that are part=
of your life. See Now=0A=
See how Windows Mobile brings your life together=97at home=2C work=2C or on=
the go.
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.hmmessage P
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<body class=3D'hmmessage'><div style=3D"text-align: left=3B">FYI=2C the fra=
me stiffening article was in the Sept/Oct 1998 grassroots motorsports issue=
.<br><br>Marty<br></div><br><br><br><hr id=3D"EC_stopSpelling">From: trmart=
y@hotmail.com<br>To: fot@autox.team.net<br>Subject: FOT in print (old print=
)<br>Date: Sun=2C 14 Sep 2008 13:47:40 -0400<br><br>=0A=
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.ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage=0A=
<div style=3D"text-align: left=3B">As I sit here contemplating how to resur=
rect =3B the TR6 I remembered that there was an article in Grassroots M=
otorsports years ago on stiffening Triumph TR3/4 frames that might apply to=
the TR6's. =3B I dug out my collection and started paging through. Fou=
nd it=2C it was and article by Ken Knight =3B (don't know if he is FOT)=
with a picture leading on showing either Henry Frye or George Wrights car =
on track. Anyhow=2C British Car Feb 1992 talks about Bob Lang winning the S=
tock TR6 class at an autox in Rhode Island. Grassroots Motorsports Jan/Feb =
1996 has a real nice article on Bill Dentinger and his TR3. And the Mar/Apr=
il 1997 edition of Grassroots Motorsports has a nice article about Peyote w=
hen Bill Ames owned it. Probably a bunch more =3B in the stack but I go=
tta stop and get something done. Kinda neat to look at these old articles a=
nd see folks I know.<br><br>Marty Sukey<br></div><br><hr>See how Windows co=
nnects the people=2C information=2C and fun that are part of your life. <a =
href=3D"http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/msnnkwxp1020093175mrt/direct/01/"; targe=
t=3D"_blank">See Now</a>=0A=
<br /><hr />See how Windows Mobile brings your life together=97at home=2C w=
ork=2C or on the go. <a href=3D'http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/msnnkwxp1020093=
182mrt/direct/01/' target=3D'_new'>See Now</a></body>
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