No photos really of the installation details, but I have a Kirkey too and it
My cage began life as a standard Autopower rollbar. Front feet are in front
of the back shelf right snug in the corners, back feet mount to the inner
fender. It had a diagonal bar, and then a small length of flat bar stock
between the left leg of the hoop and the diagonal originally intended as
headrest. Originally we had a bucket shell seat.
Later we added a Kirk cage kit, of which the prime concession to the seat
was the driver-side door bars curved into the door to get around the seat.
The rest of the cage is pretty straightforward and does not have any effect
on the seat.
When I got the Kirkey seat, it fit within the curve of the doorbars. The
original headrest is still there but no longer effective as the Kirkey seat
back reaches much higher (had to modify the tonneau) and comprises the
headrest. We welded a new piece of flat bar stock between the left rollbar
leg and the diagonal, lower down, to be the back support for the seat.
Most recently we welded a piece of rollbar stock between the two back legs
of the rollbar, just below the line of the bodywork, to be a shoulder
harness mount (I had been mounting to the floor behind the seat, which was
way more than desirable angle).
That Kirk cage kit (this was many years ago) comprised seven pieces of
rollbar tubing.
* Two forward extensions, pre-bent, that had to be cut to fit for length.
They come straight out from the rollbar, then bend downward at about the
A-pillar location.
* Two doorbars, with a tight 90-degree bend at one end. The bend-end welded
to the rollbar, it went right into the door then gradually back out to meet
at the forward reach of the forward extension.
* Two little short pieces to be vertical supports for the door bars
* One crossmember which we welded at the front at the "roofline"
I added a single right-side doorbar. Later, when I had to add forward
extensions to comply with GCR we also added a second right-side doorbar. The
forward extensions are kinda cool. It includes a kneebar that crosses right
below the console and steering column, and is removable so we can pull the
tunnel cover and gearbox.
There are a couple of photos on the FOT website that at least shows the
upper portion of the cage. and
--Rocky Entriken
----- Original Message -----
From: "dick ross" <>
To: "Friends of Triumph" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject: [FOT] spitfire roll bars
> Could the Spitfire people send me pictures of their roll bar
> installations.
> Got my Kirkey Road Race seat and found out my bolt in roll cage will not
> work with it. So now will have brother-in-law build me a welded in cage.
> thanks
> dick ross
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