Thanks: I can see what you mean now I've tried back and forth.
I end up with a compression ratio of 11,8 which seems pretty high to me
-considering we in Europe have to run on 98 Octane pump petrol.
Last season I had some pinking at lowish revs/high load, but ran well at
high revs. Does 11,8 seem OK to you over there/out there or do you think I
should work on reducing that figure?
> wrote:
>>I'm trying to calculate the compression ratio on my Spitfire 4 with the
>>Stage 2 cylinder head. I have the chamber volume and deck clearance as
>>well as the given dimensions from the bore and stroke, but can't find a
>>measure of the head gasket thickness when compressed. I use a standard
>>4/Mk2 head gasket and standard torque settings. Does anyone have a figure
>>for this?
> Claus, I use the figure 0.030" for most engines. If you try calculating
> total volume ten thousandths either way from that figure, you'll
> discover that the ratio changes very little.
> Cheers.
> --
> Michael D. Porter
> Roswell, NM
> Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking
> distance....