In a message dated 06/22/2003 8:30:46 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:
> The LeMans TRS will be at Mosport thanks to the efforts of The Roadster
> Factory and the Western Pennsylvania Triumph Association. A few members of
> WPTA, namely, Bruce Stutzman, Ed Major and myself will escort the TRS to and
> from Mosport. WPTA will again have a Hospitality Tent all three days to
> provide for a common gathering spot for FOT and others who may stop by from
> time to time. Coffee donuts and other goodies will be available. Stop by,
> look
> for the red and white canopy tent in the pits, we welcome all Triumph
> enthusiast.
Why am I NOT surprised it would be the Western Pennsylvania Triumph
Association that would come through and 'handle' this important effort. Bravo!
Bill Dentinger
Off the record...when I first attempted to send this E-mail, my AOL Spell
Checker asked me if 'LeMans' should not be 'Lemons'. Lemons? Lemons TRS?
were First, Second, and Third in Class...for God's Sake! I'm switching to
Earthnet, or Disneynet, or something like that. TRIUMPH gets no respect!