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Re: Transponder-TR3 Optimum Location

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Transponder-TR3 Optimum Location
From: "Gary & Gretchen" <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 00:34:03 -0500
Joe, Kent,
Midwestern Council's experience agrees with the posts to date - mount it in
a wheel well 12-18" off ground with fairly clear line of sight downward to
the track. There must be a "cone" of unobstructed downward vision, not just
straight down but some visibility forward and rear as well. The transponders
work by getting many hits as you pass; the receiver determines the exact
passage by tracking the increasing signal strength as you approach and the
decreasing strength as you depart. The receiver system gives a warning if
your transponder has too few hits for reliable tracking.

Council didn't dictate the position within the car because of the diversity
of vehicles. I thought I had a nice mount worked out shooting through a hole
in the passenger floorboard directly down at the track with no obstructions.
It didn't work out because it was too close to the track (6-8") and the
receiver got very few hits. So it appears that the height and the cone of
downward view are the critical elements. Unfortunately AMB's very brief
instructions tell you none of this. But it sure is nice having race results
posted by the time you get over to look at them!

Gary Schneider
EP 37 TR4

> Kent Howard is installing a transponder in his LITTLE RED RIDING HARD #13.
> His mechanic needs to know best mounting location. Help!!!
> Joe Alexander

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