About 18 months ago, I sent out an inquiry about the FOT making another
appearance in the third book of this trilogy. Our other ad was nicely done
and was a tribute to the late TR3 racer, Mike Belfer. A couple of guys made
some substantial contributions to make this happen and I think it was enjoyed
by most everyone.
Anyway, the response was quite good and people ask about the status of this
project from time to time. Time is here.
My proposal at the time was to have the FOT logo in the ad and the names of
the contributors (Business Names?) to the ad, along with one of their
favorite Triumphs. But everything is open to change and suggestion. (It might
require a big ad if everyone participates)
If someone would like to volunteer to coordinate the details of placing this
ad and to collect the offerings, we could proceed. I would strongly support
this effort.
However, I would like to focus on the details of the Mid-Ohio Triumph event
and I have other demands that are taking my time and energy. I hate
collecting Other Peoples Money, anyway.