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Quick thought

Subject: Quick thought
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 09:02:15 EDT
Another moment of brilliance, Bradakis.

Is it possible to move the convention into the last week in June?

Could be on the agenda for a meeting at Portland? I would be glad to 
participate and would be fairly object about it. 

I am working with Mid-Ohio on this All Triumph Race slated for 2002.

Not all folks enjoy the racing side or would be keen on combining these two 
events, but it sure would be something to explore...Ohio area is such a hot 
bed of Triumphs and there is a lot of enthusiasm...someone might schmooze 
with the leaders in that area..Clough, McCarrick, Van Order, Householder to 
name a few.

Standing aint going to happen in Iowa.

The Vintage Triumph of Iowa

Joe Alexander
VTR Road Racing Advisor (newbie)

<< A while back there was some hub-bub on a VTR related list about convention
 sites, this year being Portland, Oregon, next year, Colorado.  But no one has
 yet, to my knowledge, submitted a proposal for 2002.  While there would be
 some merit in having the convention here in Utah, after the 2002 winter
 Olympics, it ain't gonna happen.
 What will happen that summer, according to recent notes about the past 
 at Mid Ohio, will be a race weekend featuring Triumph.  Perhaps there's some
 way to tie this into a national level, official VTR event?

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