On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Bob Lang wrote:
> > I found the full SCCA 1997 Solo II classifications and some of the rules
> > on the web at "http://wwwbest.com/~mouton/sccasolo/index.shtml"; and the
> > 1998 classifications are available in PDF format at
> > "http://www.scca.com/amateur/solo.html#98class";
> I've visited that site. They have the car class pages (Appendix A of the
> Solo II book), but that's about it...
Also Appendix K, and the '97 rules for Street Prepared and Stock Classes
> protests you, if you don't have a book, you automatically default the
> protest - even for a bullshit protest.
Hmm, that's a good thing to know...
> On the other hand, if you're doing this for fun, then just put in a roll
> bar from Autopower and go play.
Of course its for fun, if I wanted to win would I start witha TR4A? ;-))
> I also have news for you. If you do build a cage that is fully GCR
> compliant (whatever that means), then your TR6 will be so stiff that
> you'll have to play with all of the spring rates to re-balance the car.
> Remember that your suspension is a _system_. Everything is a trade-off or
> a compromise. Changing the stiffnes of a Triumph will change the
> handling. It might make it better, but it will effect the balance.
That is also good to know, but my car already has the more
torsionally-rigid ladder-style frame from the TR4 so it may not be as much
a factor as in the IRS models. As far a tune-ability
of suspension is concerned, I guess adjustible camber and anti-roll bars,
but again, I have questions about eligibility in DSP that are not fully
clarified as of yet.
> If you are going to do the DSP thing, I would not replace the rubber body
> mounts with aluminium blocks.
Would this be OK in E-Prod, I wonder?
> I have no idea what would be legal in A Prepared, suffice to say if you
> go to frame extentions and so forth - you'd better make sure that it is E
> Prod legal...
Any E-prod people out there??
At this point all I have are measurements and some sketches so I dont have
anything invested except for time. But it sounds to me like a modular
system might be the way to go. That way adding in components of the full
cage in the eventuality of moving from Solo II DSP into the E-Prod or
Vintage classes could be done stagewise... of course the GT1 systems are
at least partly modular and bolt-in adjustable, are they not?