In October I went on an overnite backroads drive for pre'75 cars, the SoCalTT.
('69 2000, SUs, E-dizzy, non-smogged, all new front suspension)
Car had run fine prior to that, but pulling out of the driveway and on both
days it would just plain lag if you put your foot in it.
Drive like an egg on the pedal, it'd go fine, so I kept pace with the TR6's
and TR-8 (it'd leave me but then break down, and up I'd roll with the tools.
voltmeter got a good workout!)
Because it was so constant and unchanging throughout the day, I had overthunk
myself into thinking I wasn't getting full advance on the dizzy (one of
GBoone's specials),
so cut 1/4" off the vacuum line (just in case the end had hardened) and
checked the timing to start the 2nd morning of the drive, and it was perfect,
but same stumbling all day long, not so much rpm related as "vacuum level", so
I didn't think it was fuel delivery. (it'd go 75 if you took your time
getting there)
Got home to the garage with the electrical idea stuck in my head, but in
taking a look around decided to "start with the simple and cheap stuff", and
noticed the fuel lines were looking a bit aged, not badly cracking but a bit
Replaced them all from fuel pump to return line, on the premise that maybe I
was sucking air (the bridge hose between the carbs looked the worst of all)
Hooray! A "spirited drive" to prove out that she had awaken. (there is a 2
mile long straight road that bissects a Navy base, so no cross streets, no
intersections, up to 90-coast, back again 2 or 3 times)
Prepping for another 3 day event in March (and the TT again in October).
Happy roadstering,
Fergus O
Next up: (after clean up the garage)
Crossbar welded to rollbar to mount harnesses, finish up center console
upholstery (got this one from Roman Rist, now there's a name I haven;t heard
in years, but proves I am quite a packrat)
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