Brian Reynolds wrote:
AAA or a similar service has saved me many times and dollars in my
roadster travels. The plus part of the service adds extra tow miles
which is invaluable when you are 100 miles from nowhere. Think of it
like a full set of tools that you carry, then you will never need it.
> I don't know whether you have the stock seats or Miata seats in your
> Roadster. I have the original seats in my '69, and if I'm planning to
> drive for more than a couple of hours I take a full-sized pillow to stick
> under my rear! Good luck with your trip.
> -Brian Reynolds
> Toronto
> --- peter harrison <> wrote:
>> I am seriously thinking of taking a cross country trip in November as a
>> continuation of my trip to PHX.
>> I will make sure the heater works!!!
>> Apart from a spare water pump,gasket,head gasket anything else that I
>> should
>> take along apart from tools,jack etc. (and a map of course). Don't
>> suspect
>> they see too many of these little cars in Mississippi etc.
>> Thanks
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