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Re: my sons moving to Seattle

To: <>
Subject: Re: my sons moving to Seattle
From: "oliver" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 13:48:00 -0600
i know its a cliche, but you can't beat a honda for reliable affordable 

> -- (Bob Ballinger, Muncie,Indiana) wrote:
> Hi guys, He is looking on line at a place called Willows Court, 12316 28th 
> Ave
> NE. He has been in e-mail contact...Anyone know anything about this 
> complex?
> He also told me tonight he was selling his car and going to try and find 
> one
> there. He needs a daily driver to and from work.Basic grocery getter out 
> here.
> I told him to look around for indivudals that might have an old one to 
> see.
> Hate to think about him going into one of those shady lots for a piece of
> junk. I'l never sleep..Don't know how close he is to Best Buy North Gate 
> but
> maybe the buses will work for a while until he gets on his feet.I may even
> come out this summer with my 67-1600 and see what it is worth or give it 
> to
> him to fix up and sale...Anyone knows some tips on this complex or another
> site let me know. Any info on a dependable old car let me know. As a 
> father it
> is hard to see him go this far away without much to start with. So much
> simpler when I left home, I had all new clothes and people feeding me and 
> good
> food and cold beer. Of course guard duty,KP ect wasn't any fun around Ft.
> Lewis but it paid off...I thank you guys for always being helpful on just
> about any subject..Please send anything that might be helpful..Open to
> ideas...thanks again, bob ballinger 67-1600

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