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Re: body mounting

To: "oliver" <>, <>
Subject: Re: body mounting
From: "Daryl Smith" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 21:09:39 -0800
I just had mine off last summer, and seem to remember about the same issue. 
I'll look at my car tomorrow and let you know.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "oliver" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 8:37 PM
Subject: body mounting

> we just (finally!!!) droped the body onto the frame, and have bolts all 
> around.  mostly.
> the space between the frame and the body on the mounting points in the 
> engine compartment is double the other mounting points, and the same bolts 
> are a tad short to catch there.  did i mess up?  do i need to get in there 
> and see if something is caught or something?  do i need to get a good 
> nights sleep and look at it again tomorrow?  or is it supposed to be that 
> way and i need to use longer bolts and double pads.
> thanks.

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