> Tom Prather
> Thanks to all who responded as to the stroker recipe for Z car.
Like others have suggested I'd just go with a solid L-28. Building the
stroker can get more than just a bit pricey. A lot of machine work involved,
if you can find a block that can handle the overbore. I've been bouncing
around the idea of building a 1st gen 240Z as a daily driver for some time.
Figured I'd do a mildly built L-28, either SUs or FI (depending on cost for
the FI), a 5-speed and lower gearing. There are a number of tranny ratio
sets and rear gear combos that would make an L-28 powered car really scoot
off the line and still be quiet cruising in 5th.
The idea's still lurking in the dark recesses of my brain. Once we get the
shop built (hopefully this time next year) I'll probably start looking
around for a car.