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Bumpers re-visited: Another guy in Richmond

Subject: Bumpers re-visited: Another guy in Richmond
From: "Jim InVirginia" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 17:15:33 -0500
For the list:
If your closer to Richmond, Virginia, there is a guy downtown just off of RT 
95, Hanlon Plate.
He will straighten a Datsun Bumper and plate it for about 150, but it is not 
thick.  He calls this "street chrome".   If you park outside and do not wax, 
you will start to get little rust pits after a year or so.  I park inside, 
and they have been just fine for a number of years.  He will do the 
overriders for maybe $35 each.

Any part, no matter how small, is a minimum price of about $25, so for 
example an early windshield frame and vent wings can add up.

He will also do "show chrome", much thicker and nicer, but also much more 

He will make you sign a release that they are not responsible for the datsun 
bumpers because they are so darn thin, but I have never had a problem with 
roadsters or 510 parts with this guy.

Best Regards,
Chesapeake, Virginia

>Subject: Re: Bumpers re-visited
>Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:41:33 EST
>I am still a bid fan of NU CHROME in Fall River Ma. You should get out for
>around $200 each.

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