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RE: hoist

To: <>
Subject: RE: hoist
From: "Matthew A. Smith" <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 21:24:01 -0400
Pat wrote:
I wish I had even that much room. I cannot open my doors on my 1500 unless 
I park all the way on one side and then I have to watch how wide I open the 

As an apartment dweller, I'd KILL for even some level ground to work on
Loreli! I drive two hours to Nashville for the use of my MOM'S garage.
HAHAHAHA! She's got a garage built for 4. About 20 feet deep, four 9 1/2
foot wide bays with two small garage doors (one on either end, not drive
thru dangit). The house gets left to my sister... The GARAGE gets left to
me! Actually, the roof is about the same height as that in the picture. I'd
NEVER think to put that kind of hoist in a room that short without some
safety precautions. Also, had he bought a Datsun Roadster instead of a
Porsche, he could have afforded to have the garage's electrical issue worked
out!!!! (Damn European cars) LMFAO! 

2 hour drive from Chattanooga to Nashville? $23.00 in gas (@#$%&% premium
Weekend activities in Nashville? $150.00 or more depending on the bar!
Getting some of mom's cooking (even for a 40 y. o. man who CAN cook well for
himself) Priceless!!!

Matt Smith
And Loreli (she's a Silver 70' Solex) Think that makes her a SRL 311 SSS?

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