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Power problems

Subject: Power problems
From: Stan <>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 15:40:40 -0700
Once again I am asking the group for their advice on a newbish problem of
I seem to be having problems with my engine when it's under load.  It starts
up with no
problem and revs very smoothly to high rpm's.  The problem is as soon as I put
it in gear and put it under
load, it starts coughing and hacking like an old lady choking on a soup
cracker.  It moves ok when it is in gear at low
RPM's, the problem begins when I hit the pedal.
My compressure check turns up good.  It doesnt burn oil.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can start to diagnose this
Thanks so much in advance!

1969- 1600
Vancouver, BC

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