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Re: Thanks for the prayers

Subject: Re: Thanks for the prayers
From: Charles Breault <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 21:21:12 -0400 wrote:

>  While we are at it does GOD drive on the left hand or the right hand side 
>of the road.
>  Really though many of you in the east first met my girlfriend Lou Ann 4 
>years ago at the Glen while she was wearing a really cute hat to cover her 
>due to chemo from cancer. Guys these things do really work out. She is fine so 
>far and I am sure all will be well for you people on the list with health 
>  And yes a little prayer helps. Even if God does drive on the left side of 
>the road.
>  Good luck,
>   Dave

I've met Lou Ann  and can attest that she will out live us all.
Charlie B.

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